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Many leaders say it is easier to learn technical skills, and their most frustrating situations are often related to exchanges with other people. The communication style of other people can unconsciously induce responses or behaviours in us that we don’t like. Sometimes our emotions take hold, an...

#Team development#Communication#Adaptability#Relationship management
60 min

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Lily is a manager for video producers in a Tech company. Although she has strong leadership skills, she has no prior experience in video production, which sometimes makes it challenging for her to understand the technical terminology and intricacies of the field. Her primary challenge arises when...

#Strategic thinking#Team development#Mentoring#Giving feedback
90 min

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Do you find that meetings often turn into lengthy discussions where a few dominate the conversation, leaving little space for others to contribute meaningfully? Or perhaps they become drawn-out sessions with no clear direction or resolution? The Circular Meeting method offers a solution to these ...

#Team development#Problem solving#Communication#Innovation
90 min

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Olivia leads a digital marketing team in a technology company. They work fully remotely and don’t have a physical office. Her team members are from different cultures and work in their home countries. Olivia’s challenge lies in the performance of her team members. Since they work remotely, there is...

#Team development#Coaching#Change management#Motivation
90 min

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Meet your coaches and facilitators


Ivar Lukk

ICF Master Certified Coach

My sweet spot is understanding and influencing the human mind and behavior. Individually, in teams, and in organisations.


Kriszta Madai

ICF Master Certified Coach

As a coach with a background both in business and psychology, I have supported board level executives, senior leaders...


Duncan Coppock

ICF Master Certified Coach

Coaching individuals, leaders, and groups to go beyond assumptions, to connect with themselves more deeply, and to live, work, and lead more authentically


Matthew Porter

ICF Professional Certified Coach

I love figuring out the many ways to work with my clients and choosing, in the moment, what is most effective.


Priit Lumi

ICF Associate Certified Coach

As a semi-professional athlete and a sports coach, I have a great understanding of high-achiever psychology.


Bronwyn Crawford

New Insights Life Coach

I have a wonderful experience working with various cultures, specifically helping resolve conflict that arises between these cultures in the workplace.


Reesi Valge

Executive & Team Coach

Understanding modern team challenges, I help you build a high-performing team where each member feels valued.


Kerli Rungi

Leadership & Executive Coach

I find immense joy and fulfilment in helping individuals grow and flourish in their roles and lives.


Client’s feedback

I was positively surprised about the outcome of the session!

I think the owner this leadership took away some great ideas. It was a powerful learning experience for me. Our facilitator’s coaching comments and questions were useful too! Overall a great experience, thank you very much!



Starship Technologies

Participating in a CaseHub session, I felt I was surrounded by transparent, solution-minded people who wanted to learn.

Sharing experiences and walking through a very specific case with some roleplay and tools left a lasting impression and food for thought for weeks! It was practical, and also a positive emotional experience – we’re all in this together, and we can cover each other’s blind spots. Plus, as a facilitator, Ivar supported the group’s safety and trust.




I really enjoyed the live sessions and especially as most of our learnings were created within the group.

Hence, having different backgrounds, experiences and characters in the group seem to be a driver for a range of perspectives and approaches.




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